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Dexamethasone 8mg Injection:Overview

Sure! Dexamethasone injection 8mg is an effective medication that is commonly used to alleviate inflammation in the body. This versatile medication belongs to a class of drugs known as corticosteroids, which work by suppressing the immune response and reducing swelling. The 8mg dosage is usually prescribed for moderate to severe cases, providing relief to individuals suffering from conditions such as arthritis, allergic reactions, or certain skin conditions. It is important to note that dexamethasone injection 8mg should only be administered by a healthcare professional, as they can tailor the dosage and frequency to best suit the patient's needs. With proper guidance and monitoring, this medication can be a beneficial solution for managing inflammation and promoting overall well-being.

What is Dexamethasone?

Dexamethasone is a potent synthetic member of the glucocorticoid class of steroid hormones. It acts as an anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressant medication by binding to glucocorticoid receptors which regulate gene expression in target cells.

Structurally, dexamethasone differs from endogenous cortisol by having a fluorine atom at the 9α position. This small modification is responsible for its enhanced glucocorticoid potency and longer duration of action.

Dexamethasone is administered for its anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressant properties to treat a wide variety of conditions. These include allergic disorders, skin conditions, ulcerative colitis, arthritis, lupus, psoriasis, asthma, cancers and cerebral edema.

It is also given to prevent rejection in organ transplantation. Due to its potency at decreasing inflammation and suppressing the immune system, dexamethasone is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines.

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Medical Uses of Dexamethasone

Dexamethasone injection is used to treat a variety of conditions involving inflammation or an overactive immune system. Some of the medical uses of dexamethasone include:

• Allergic Reactions - Dexamethasone can treat severe allergic reactions like anaphylaxis to reduce swelling, itching, and other symptoms. It inhibits the immune response that leads to allergic reactions.

• Arthritis - For rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory types of arthritis, dexamethasone helps reduce inflammation and joint damage. It can quickly relieve arthritis symptoms like pain, stiffness and swelling.

• Asthma Attacks - Dexamethasone rapidly reduces airway obstruction during severe asthma attacks by decreasing inflammation in the airways. It helps improve breathing.

• Brain Swelling - Dexamethasone is used to treat brain swelling and high pressure inside the skull associated with brain tumors, infections, or head injury. It lowers intracranial pressure.

• Certain Cancers - Dexamethasone can be used as part of cancer treatment for certain types like multiple myeloma, lymphoma, and leukemia. It interferes with cancer cell growth.

• Eye Conditions - Dexamethasone eye drops or injections treat inflammatory eye conditions like uveitis, reducing swelling and pain.

• Immune System Disorders - For disorders involving an overactive immune system like lupus or transplant rejection, dexamethasone suppresses the immune response.

• Nausea - Dexamethasone prevents nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy. It is given in combination with other anti-nausea drugs.

• Skin Conditions - Dexamethasone relieves itching and swelling from skin conditions like eczema, dermatitis, rashes, and hives.

How Dexamethasone Works

Dexamethasone is a potent synthetic member of the glucocorticoid class of steroid drugs. It acts as an anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressant.

The mechanisms of action of dexamethasone are complex, but center around inhibition of inflammatory responses. More specifically, dexamethasone acts by:

• Binding to cytoplasmic glucocorticoid receptors, causing receptor activation and translocation to the nucleus

• In the nucleus, the dexamethasone-glucocorticoid receptor complex binds to glucocorticoid response elements on DNA, resulting in increased transcription of anti-inflammatory proteins and decreased transcription of pro-inflammatory proteins

• Inhibiting the release of arachidonic acid and preventing the formation of inflammatory prostaglandins

• Interfering with leukocyte infiltration at sites of inflammation

• Reducing edema formation by antagonizing histamine and stabilizing lysosomal membranes

• Suppressing immune responses by reducing immunoglobulin and complement production, decreasing circulating lymphocyte numbers, and inhibiting cytokine production and response

In summary, dexamethasone powerfully blocks multiple inflammatory pathways, which makes it very effective at reducing inflammation in conditions like allergic, skin, joint, eye, bowel, and respiratory diseases. However, it also comes with a risk of side effects due to its nonspecific mechanisms.

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Dexamethasone injection is available in several concentrations, allowing doctors to prescribe the appropriate dose based on the patient's condition. The most common doses are:

• 4 milligrams per 1 milliliter (mg/mL)

• 8 mg/mL

• 10 mg/mL

• 20 mg/mL

• 24 mg/mL

The 8 mg/mL concentration is commonly used when higher doses are required, such as for treating cerebral edema or chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. The lower 4 mg/mL concentration may be preferable for conditions requiring more precise dosing like adrenal insufficiency.

The dose of dexamethasone injection is highly variable and depends on several factors:

• The disease being treated

• The patient's body weight

• The severity of the condition

• The response to previous steroid therapy

Doses ranging from 0.5 to 100 mg per day have been used, but the most common adult dose ranges from 4 to 40 mg per day. In children, lower doses of 0.08 to 0.3 mg/kg per day are commonly used.

The lowest effective dose should be used for the shortest possible duration to minimize side effects. Doses may be given as a single injection or divided into multiple daily doses. Higher doses are often gradually tapered down over time once the desired treatment response is achieved.

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• The dose is drawn up into a syringe or prepared in an IV bag by a nurse or doctor. Care should be taken to measure the dose accurately.

• The injection site is cleaned with an alcohol swab to prevent infection. Common injection sites include the upper arm, thigh, or buttocks.

• The needle is inserted at a 90 degree angle into the muscle tissue. For adults, the needle is typically 1-1.5 inches long. A shorter needle is used for children.

• Once the needle is fully inserted, the nurse will pull back on the plunger to check for blood, which would indicate the needle hit a vein or artery. If no blood appears, the medication can be injected.

• The dose is slowly pushed into the muscle tissue. Patients may feel a burning or stinging sensation.

• After injecting the medication, the needle is withdrawn and the site is massaged to disperse the medication. A bandage is applied if needed.

• It's important to rotate injection sites each time to allow muscles time to heal between doses. Using the same site repeatedly can cause scarring.

• Patients receiving IV dexamethasone should have the IV site monitored for redness, swelling or pain, which could indicate irritation or infection.

Proper dexamethasone injection technique helps ensure patients receive the full dose and avoids potential complications at the injection site. Patients should follow any specific instructions from their healthcare provider.

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Side Effects

As with most medications, dexamethasone injection can cause side effects in some people. The most common side effects are:

• Increased appetite and weight gain. Dexamethasone can increase appetite, leading to weight gain.

• Indigestion and heartburn. Dexamethasone can cause stomach irritation and heartburn. Taking it with food may help reduce these effects.

• Mood changes. Some people may experience mood swings, depression, anxiety, irritability or other psychiatric disturbances while taking dexamethasone.

• Difficulty sleeping and restlessness. Dexamethasone may cause insomnia, especially if taken in the evening.

• Fluid retention and swelling. Dexamethasone causes the body to retain sodium and water, leading to swelling in the hands, feet, ankles, or lower legs.

• Muscle weakness. Prolonged use can cause muscle weakness due to loss of muscle mass.

• Impaired wound healing. Dexamethasone may delay healing of wounds.

• Increased blood sugar. It can increase blood glucose levels, especially in people with diabetes. Blood sugar monitoring may be needed.

• Weakened immune system. Dexamethasone suppresses the immune system, increasing susceptibility to infections.

• Thinning bones (osteoporosis). Long-term use can lead to bone loss.

• Adrenal suppression. Long-term use may suppress adrenal gland hormone production. This effect may persist for months after stopping the medication.

Rare but serious side effects that may need medical attention include blurred vision, seizures, depression, and severe abdominal pain. Seek immediate care if any concerning or severe side effects develop. Always inform the healthcare provider about any side effects experienced.


Dexamethasone should be used with caution in certain patients due to increased risks:

• Pregnant women - Dexamethasone can cross the placenta and harm the fetus. It should only be used if the benefits outweigh the risks.

• Patients with diabetes - Dexamethasone can increase blood glucose levels. Monitor glucose closely and adjust medications as needed.

• Patients with glaucoma - Dexamethasone can increase intraocular pressure. Monitor eye pressure and treat if elevated.

• Patients with gastrointestinal ulcers - Dexamethasone may increase the risk of ulcer perforation. Use with caution.

• Patients with heart failure - Dexamethasone can cause fluid retention, worsening heart failure. Monitor for signs of fluid overload.

• Patients with seizures - Dexamethasone may lower the seizure threshold. Use cautiously in epilepsy patients.

• Patients with osteoporosis - Dexamethasone can accelerate bone loss. Supplement with calcium and vitamin D.

• Patients with severe kidney impairment - Dose adjustment may be needed since dexamethasone is cleared by the kidneys.

• Patients with liver disease - Dose adjustment may be required in hepatic impairment. Monitor liver function.

• Patients with depression - Dexamethasone may worsen or unmask depression. Monitor mental status.

• Patients with hypothyroidism - Dexamethasone can accelerate the metabolism of thyroid hormone. Monitor thyroid function.

• Patients with congestive heart failure - Fluid retention can worsen heart failure. Use cautiously.

• Immunosuppression - Dexamethasone suppresses the immune system, increasing infection risk.

• Adrenal suppression - Abruptly stopping dexamethasone after prolonged use can lead to adrenal crisis. Taper gradually.


Dexamethasone can interact with many medications and herbal supplements. Some key interactions to be aware of include:

• Blood thinners like warfarin (Coumadin): Dexamethasone may increase the effects of warfarin and raise bleeding risk. INR levels should be monitored closely.

• Diuretics: Using dexamethasone with diuretics like furosemide (Lasix) can deplete potassium levels. Electrolytes should be monitored.

• Insulin and diabetes medications: Dexamethasone can increase blood glucose, requiring higher doses of diabetes meds. Blood sugar should be monitored closely.

• Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): Using NSAIDs with dexamethasone raises the risk of GI ulcers and bleeding. They should be avoided if possible.

• Live vaccines: Live vaccines should not be given to those taking immunosuppressive doses of dexamethasone due to reduced immune response.

• Digoxin (Lanoxin): Dexamethasone can increase digoxin levels, increasing the risk of toxicity. Digoxin doses may need adjusting.

• Anticoagulants and aspirin: Dexamethasone may decrease their effectiveness. Co-administration should be avoided.

• Cyclosporine: Dexamethasone can reduce cyclosporine blood levels. Levels should be monitored when used together.

• Herbal supplements: Dexamethasone may interact with herbs like echinacea, ginseng, garlic, ginkgo and more. Herbal use should be discussed with a provider.

Monitoring side effects and discussing all medications and supplements with a provider is important when taking dexamethasone. Dose adjustments may be required to avoid potentially harmful interactions.


An overdose of dexamethasone can be serious. Common symptoms of overdose may include:

• Extreme fatigue or insomnia/restlessness

• Severe swelling due to fluid retention

• Increased blood sugar levels

• High blood pressure and changes in heart rhythm

• Mood changes like depression, anxiety or aggression

• Blurred vision

• Dizziness

• Muscle weakness

• Nausea or vomiting

• Loss of appetite

People who overdose on dexamethasone will need to seek medical attention right away. Treatment depends on the severity of the overdose and the symptoms experienced. Doctors may do the following to treat an overdose:

• Stop dexamethasone administration

• Monitor heart rhythm and blood pressure

• Give medications to reduce blood pressure if needed

• Give IV fluids and electrolyte replacements

• Give glucose to treat high blood sugar

• Use charcoal to absorb any dexamethasone still in the stomach

• Provide respiratory support if breathing is compromised

With prompt medical care, most dexamethasone overdoses can be treated successfully. However, an overdose can be fatal if the airway is obstructed or a dangerous heart rhythm develops. Seek emergency help if you suspect a dexamethasone overdose.


Dexamethasone is a powerful corticosteroid medication that acts on the immune system to help reduce inflammation. The dexamethasone injection is used to treat a variety of inflammatory conditions and allergic reactions. Key facts to remember:

• Dexamethasone injection is administered intramuscularly or intravenously, with dosages varying based on the condition being treated. Typical doses range from 0.5mg to 24mg per day.

• It starts working rapidly, within hours of administration, to dampen the immune system and inflammatory response. This provides quick relief of symptoms but does not treat the underlying cause.

• Potential side effects include increased appetite, insomnia, mood changes, fluid retention, and elevated blood sugar. These are temporary and subside after dexamethasone is stopped.

• Long-term use requires tapering off slowly under medical supervision, to allow the adrenal glands time to resume normal cortisol production. Abruptly stopping dexamethasone can cause adrenal insufficiency.

• Interactions are possible with other medications that affect the immune system, blood sugar, or potassium levels. People with certain medical conditions may need dose adjustments.

• The injection provides fast-acting effects. Oral forms are also available for longer-term inflammatory conditions. The duration of treatment depends on the specific condition being addressed.

In summary, dexamethasone injection offers rapid anti-inflammatory relief but requires close medical monitoring to avoid complications. When used judiciously under a doctor's care, it can effectively and safely treat a number of inflammatory diseases and allergic reactions.



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Dexamethasone 8mg injection

SKU“stock keeping unit”:2024.Dex12002


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Price Valid Until:"2026-11-20

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Product List - Liquid Injections

Product Name Strength
Vitamin B1 injection 100mg: 2ml
Vitamin B6 Injection 0.1g: 2ml
Vitamin B12 injection 0.5mg:1ml
VIT-B Complex injection 2ml
Tri B-inj B1-100mg+B2-100mg+B12-1000mcg 3ml
Vitamin C injection 0.5g:2ml
VITAMIN K1 injection 10mg:1ml
Dexamethasone Na phosphate injection 4mg: 1ml
Dexamethasone Na phosphate injection 8mg: 2ml
Diclofenac Sodium Injection 75mg:3ml
Metoclopramide hydrochloride injection 10mg:2ml
Metoclopramide hydrochloride injection 5mg:1ml
Iron Sucrose IV Injection 100mg:5ml
Iron Dextran Injection 100mg:2ml
Promethazine Hydrochloride Injection 50mg:2ml
Gentamycin sulfate injection 40mg:2ml
Gentamycin sulfate injection 80mg:2ml
Furosemide Injection 20mg:2ml
Aminophylline Injection 250mg:10ml
Paracetamol injection 150mg:1ml
Paracetamol injection 300mg:2ml
Paracetamol injection 500mg:4ml
Paracetamol injection 600mg:4ml
Paracetamol injection 750mg:5ml
Diazepam injection 5mg/1ml
Diazepam injection 10mg:2ml
Diazepam injection 5mg/1ml
Diazepam injection 10mg:2ml
Oxytocin Injection 5 iu/1ml
Oxytocin Injection 10 iu / 1ml
Chlorphenamine Maleate Injection 10mg:1ml
Hyoscine Butylbromide(Buscopan)Injection 20mg:1ml
Lidocaine Hydrochloride injection 10ml:0.2g
Methotrexate for Injection 50mg:2ml
ENOXAPARIN SODIUM Prefilled syringe 40MG/0.4ML
ENOXAPARIN SODIUM Prefilled syringe 60MG/0.6ML
ENOXAPARIN SODIUM Prefilled syringe 80MG/0.8ML
Adrenaline(Epinephrine HCL)Injection 1mg:1ml
Testosterone 250mg:1ml 250mg:1ml

Product List - Vial Injections

Product Name Strength
Omeprazol 40 mg IV VIAL 10ml or 5ml
Pantoprazole Sodium for Injection 40mg
Lansoprazole for Injection 30 mg
Ceftriaxone 1gm/10ml IV VIAL +10ml water
Ceftriaxone 1gm/10ml VIAL +Lidocain 1%
Ceftriaxone IM/IV VIAL 500mg/15 ml
Ampicillin Na VIAL 0.5 g/Vial
Ampicillin Na VIAL 1g/Vial
Cefotaxime Sodium for VIAL 1g/Vial
Ceftazidime For I.M/I.V VIAL 1g/Vial
Cefepime For I.M/I.V VIAL 1g/Vial
Meropenem VIAL Injection 1g/20ml/Vial
Procaine Penicillin(0.4mega/7ml) 400.000 U/7ml
Procaine Penicillin(0.6mega/7ml) 600.000 U/7ml
Procaine Penicillin(1.2mega/7ml) 800.000 U/7ml
Procaine Penicillin (0.8mega/7ml) 1200.000 U/7ml
Benzathine Penicillin for Injection 1.2mega/7ml
Vancomycin Hcl injection 500mg 500mg/Vial
Vancomycin Hcl injection 500mg 1g/Vial
Heparin Sodium Injection 5ml:5000 units
Heparin Sodium Injection 5ml:25000 units
Amoxicillin Na and Clavulanate Potassium for Inj(augmentin) G Powder 1.2
Amoxicillin Na and Clavulanate Potassium for Inj(augmentin) G Powder 0.6
lyophilized Hydrocortisone Na Succinate 3ml:0.1gm
aseptic lyophilized Hydrocortisone Na Succinate 7m:0.1gm
Phenobarbital Sodium Injection 1ml:0.1g
Piperacillin Sodium and Tazobactam Na for Inj 4.5g

Product List - IV INFUSION

Product Name Strength
Paracetamol 1G IV infusion 100ml glass bottle
Metronidazole 500mg IV infusion 100ml glass bottle
Ciprofloxacine 200mg IV infusion 20ml plastic bottle
0.9% Na Chloride IV Inj 500ml plastic bottle
5% Glucose Injection 250ml:12.5g,500ml:25g
10% Glucose Injection 250ml:12.5g,500ml:25g
Sodium Lactate Ringer`s Inj 500ml Plastic Bottle
5% Glu + 0.9% Na Chlorid inj 250ml: Glu 12.5g,NaCl 2.25g
5% Glu + 0.9% Na Chlorid inj 500ml: Glu 25g,NaCl 4.5g
10% Glu + 0.9% Na Chlorid inj 250ml: Glu 25g,NaCl 2.25g
10% Glu + 0.9% Na Chlorid inj 500ml: Glu 50g,NaCl 4.5g
Mannitol injection 250ml:50g P Bottle

Product List - SYRUP

Product Name Strength
Amoxicillin 125mg + Clavulanic Acid 31.5mg 100 ml glass Bottle
Amoxicillin 250mg + Clavulanic Acid 62.5mg 100 ml glass Bottle
Amoxicillin 400mg + Clavulanic Acid 75mg 100 ml glass Bottle
Azithromycine 100mg 15ml 1bottle/Box
Metronidazole 125mg 100 ml glass Bottle
Metronidazole 250mg 100 ml glass Bottle
Amoxicillin 125 mg 100 ml glass Bottle
Amoxicillin 250 mg 100 ml glass Bottle
Paracetamol syrup 250mg/5ml 250mg/5ml syrup
Ibuprofen Dry Suspension 100mg/5ml 100ml Suspension

Product List - TABLETS

Product Name Strength
Azithromycine 500mg Tab(3 tabs) 3 tablets X 1 blister
Metronidazole 500mg Tab(14 tabs) 7 tablets X 2 blisters
Ciprofloxacine 500mg TAB(10 tabs) 10 tablets X 1 blister
Amoxicillin 250mg + Clavulanic Acid 125mg(14 tabs) 7 tablets x 2 blister
Amoxicillin 500mg + Clavulanic Acid 125mg(14 tabs) 7 tablets x 2 blister
Amoxicillin 875mg + Clavulanic Acid 125mg(14 tabs) 7 tablets x 2 blister
Nitrofurantoin 100mg Tablets 10 tablets X 1 blister
Aspirin Enteric-coated 500mg 10 tablets X 1 blister
Paracetamol 500mg 10 tablets X 1 blister
Ibuprofen 400mg 10 tablets X 1 blister
Diclofenac Na 400mg 10 tablets X 1 blister
Diclofenac 50mg + Paracetamol 500mg 10 tablets X 1 blister
Folic acid 5mg Tab 10 tablets X 1 blister
Ciprofloxacin Tablets 10 tablets X 1 blister
Doxycycline 100mg Tab 10 tablets X 1 blister
Meloxicam 15mg Tab 10 tablets X 2 blisters
Fluconazole 150mg Tab 10 tablets X 2 blisters
Simvastatin 40mg Tab 10 tablets X 2 blisters
Prednisolone 5mg Tab 10 tablets X 2 blisters
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Product List - CAPSULES

Product Name Strength
Amoxicillin 500mg(16 Capsules) 8 cap X 2 blisters
Ampicillin Capsules 10 cap X 2 blisters
Cloxacillin Na Capsules 10 cap X 2 blisters
Piroxicam Capsule 10 cap X 2 blisters
Tetracyline 250 mg Capsule 10 cap X 2 blisters
Oxytetracycline 250mg Capsule 10 cap X 2 blisters
Spiramycin 375,000 unit Cap 10 cap X 2 blisters
Indomethacin 25mg Capsule 10 cap X 2 blisters

Product List - Suppository

Product Name Strength
Paracetamol 125mg suppository 5 Supp x 2 blister
Paracetamol 250mg suppository 5 Supp x 2 blister
Policresulen Vaginal 90mg Suppository 4 Supp x 2 blister
Chlorhexidine Acetate 20mg Supp 5 Supp x 2 blister
Miconazole Nitrate Vaginal 100mg Supp 5 Supp x 2 blister
Clotrimazole Vaginal 150mg Supp 5 Supp x 2 blister
Metronidazole Vaginal 500mg Supp 5 Supp x 2 blister
Indomethacin 500mg Supp 5 Supp x 2 blister